Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins


Dragon Age: Origins is a  action role-playing game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. The game is set up in the fictional kingdom of Ferelden  which is admist civil strife, in the game the player in the can take up the role of a warrior, mage, or rogue with an additional option of selecting race such as elven, human, or dwarven background. At the starting of the game. The player character is recruited into the Grey Wardens which is an ancient order that stands against demonic forces known as "Darkspawn", and is tasked with defeating the Archdemon that commands them and ending their invasion.


The game starts with the creation of player which is to be customized after that depending on the player character's race and class but still the outcome is that in each story ends with the player leaving with Duncan, the who is a commander of Ferelden's Grey Wardens who is seeking new recruits, selects the player as a potential candidate. The two journey to Ferelden's southern fortress, Ostagar in order to join Cailan, the King of Ferelden. The three leaders together plan to attack the encroaching Darkspawn to stop a new Blight from overwhelming Ferelden and overrunning the large areas of the world. Duncan admist of the battle senses the influence of an Archdemon, a god-like Dragon that commands the Darkspawn, which makes this the first true Blight to occur in 400 years. Duncan emphasizes the importance of defeating the Blight before it can gain enough momentum to threaten the rest of Thedas. Duncan initiates the player into the Grey Wardens through a dangerous ritual called the Joining, which involves imbibing Darkspawn blood. The recipient, if they survive, is granted the powerful Darkspawn essence, the Taint, which gives them a rudimentary connection into their hive mind to sense them. After surviving, the player and fellow Grey Warden, Alistair, are tasked with lighting a beacon at the top of the fortress in order to signal Loghain's men into charging the Darkspawn horde flank. But dmist of the battle Loghain abandons the battlefield, leaving Cailan, Duncan, and their army to be slain by the Darkspawn, Loghain now seize control of Ostagar and became the new king.Still unknown to him the player was still alive and sought vengeance for the betrayal at Ostagar.


Dragon Age: Origins is a action role-playing game.In this game the player plays the role of a Grey Warden, which is a  order of elite fighters, whose task is to defeat the Archdemon and save the world from a disastrous event called the Blight. Players create their own Grey Warden character, customizing gender and appearance as well as choosing a race and class as well as additional class such as Berserker, War Hero etc. The classes which are available to the players are warriors, who perform strong physical attacks, rogues who can carry out stealth attacks and steal items from other NPC characters, and mages who can cast spells from a range on enemies. The player can create combo spells and support other party members. During gameplay, the player encounters a variety of enemies like giant spiders, darkspawn, ghosts, walking trees, and dragons which are the most deadly opponents .The player can also recruit companions through mission or by completing additional quests who can accompany them and provide assistance in battle. The player also has the option to switch between characters and is able to issue orders to them in real-time or can pause the game to queue up action orders to perform them. Companions who are not in the player's active party stay in the base camp, the player can talk to their party members as well as purchase new weapons, armour, and gear and even customize them by adding runes in them. The player and any companions in their party engage in combat with the weapons they have equipped when the player targets or is noticed by a hostile enemy. Players can swap weapons and perform special attacks during combat, but most of these attacks have a recharge time. The point of view can be shifted from the third person view to a top-down view, where friendly and hostile units are labeled with different colors to distinguish them. At the end of a battle the characters' health and stamina, which powers a character's skills, are automatically refilled. When an enemy is defeated, the player can collect any items or loot it from the corpse of the enemies.

System Requirement

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Processor
OS: Windows XP/ Windows 7/ Windows 8/Windows 10
Graphic Card: 512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS or greater
Disk Space: 15 GB


Dragon Age: Origins 01

Dragon Age: Origins 02


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